Thursday, 14 July 2011


By G!

A drama is a simple headliner;
An ordinary story, made extraordinary by newspaper.
A melodrama is a tabloid;
It's less accurate, but more fun.
An adventure is a boat;
Against mighty rapids and waves.
A thriller is a roller coaster;
It gets your heart racing.
A crime is a race car,
The thrill is wonder, the crash is a blunder.
A romance is a sort of sweets;
A big box of bittersweet sweets.
A horror is a nightmare;
That you pay to experience.
A war is drug;The ultimate stimulant drug.
An action is a hero;
An imagined, yearned for superhero.
A mystery/suspense is clock;
A ticking alarm, or a time bomb.
A fantasy and a sci-fi are myths;
A myth by magic and a myth by theory.
A comedy is a joke;
A lengthy, exaggerated joke.
A disaster is an adventure;
As long as it doesn't happen.
An erotic is a dream;
More realistically a wet dream.
A surrealist is another dream;
A dream we dream each in our sleep.
An absurdist is also a dream;
Few have the capacity to dream of.
A satire is a type of fungi;
They room at the root of dying trees.
A criticism is a baby's whine;
or a friend's advice, you decide.
A biographic is a hard drive,
It stores information, often true.
A historic is several hard drives;
One is not enough to contain several lives.
A tragedy is a hero's story.
A western is talked of by easterners.
A sport is a hobby watered down to drama.
A Dystopian is a pessimist.
An Utopian, even optimists can not dream of.
An experimental is a loner.
A Gothic is a melodrama in Europe.
Lastly, an epic is everything,
That soars above all of the above.