Wednesday 11 June 2014

Am I Ready For Love?


Nowadays love is
Described as 'cute', yet
Is it not also supposed
To be profound and
Cheers to you who
Thinks love is 'Cute', but
I am not looking for
Cuteness, and that is why
I am not ready for

A chaste life is no
Longer the pursuit of
Young men, yet that is
What I believe. Love is
More than cute, it is
Transcendental, true,
And final.

Am I ready for the
Final decision? Am I
Ready for commitment? Am
I ready for love? Alas I
Am not, if I swear by
These questions I ponder;
I still stand alone.

I am first and
Foremost enamored
By myself above all
Others. You think you're
Selfish; I am truly selfishness.
I belong to me, not
Us both.

If affection makes you
Happy, I will give you all
That I'm willing, but
Be aware of my limits to
Give, for I am yet a true
Gentleman, I am yet a true
Giver, and I am yet truly
Ready for love.

You have my affections
Only for the present,
Not for the future.

Sunday 8 June 2014

The Truth Above All

One of my favorite
Songs - that still retains
Lyrics - is Dan Hill's
Sometimes When We Touch.
From the first verse it goes:
'I'd rather hurt you
Honestly, than mislead you
With a lie.' How true.
Love songs are pleasant when
They do not apply to
You, and they're damn
Awkward when they do.
Let it be an awkward
Confession then, that
I am no one to judge your
Faults, if it matters to you.
I treat you by my truth,
I only hope you treat me by
Yours in return, and no
Trust is breached.
We are yet too young to
Overcome the pride and
Identity that defines us, and
We need not force change.
Either way, there is the best
To be found in each other
And the best is what my
Truth compels me to seek.
There is nothing to for-
Give, and no transgression
To answer for.
We all believe in a
Difference truth; for me
It's the truth above all.

Tuesday 3 June 2014



I have once mused that
I, and people everywhere,
We believe in God, because
There is nothing else to
Believe in.
Little did I know of
The truth in that statement
Until I realize now that
I have placed faith in a
Lesser thing.
I have lost all faith
In the education system,
Which I should say comes
As a surprise to nobody, or
Should it?
I am sick of doing
Things I don't want to do,
Listening to people who
Have no real qualification to
Judge me.
So why am I a
Yet a slave to this careless,
Indifferent bureaucracy
To which I am a sequence
Of numbers?
Once a loyal servant,
Now I see the master's
True form, and what do I
Do but feel very, hopelessly
I remain inscribed,
Indentured by a system
That retains me and
Cares not about my
I have lost all faith
In homework and
Assignments, and these
Meaningless digits they
Call grades.
I once believed I
Could leave this trap with
All I could take; instead,
It has taken everything
From me.