Saturday, 11 August 2012

The Riddle of the Gate

by G!

Everyone has a gate;
This gate waits
For someone to let in.

The gate is not too tall,
Not too forbidding,
Not a wall.

If a person wants to,
They can look through
Another person's gate,
In passing, or with intent.

And if they like what they see,
They might even return,
To witness the wonderful things,
Behind this other person's gate.

And if they really like what they see,
They might even stay by the gate,
Hoping it will open to let them in,
So they can be closer
With the wonderful things behind the gate.

Everyone's gate is different,
Yet they are all alike.
They all open eventually,
But timing is the difference.
Some gates are later bloomers.

My own gate has not let anyone in yet.
When I ask my gate now
Whether it wants to open,
For a good visitor has arrived.
It says,
'I'm sturdy. Wait for it.'

I hope my good visitor won't mind,
That my gate is stubborn.
It prefers to stay closed,
So the dear visitor and I
Can have something to lean against,
When we converse across my gate.