On the piece of land that
Is my figurative soul, you
Might come across
A castle - one that satisfies
Every definition of the word
"Fortress". This massive
Structure of polished
Sedimentary rock with
The mile-wide moat
Around it might
Look so imposing on
The outside that you
Might not notice the
Drawbridge is down
And the gridiron gate
Is raised. Upon entering
through the arches of the
Main gate towers, you might
Notice a reception stand with
No receptionist and the words
"Visitors are welcome" printed
On a sheet of paper taped to
The counter. There is no
Brochure to divulge the
Map of this castle, and
Most people don't take
This as an invitation to
Explore at will. The
Vast courtyard - as vast
As Tiananmen Square -
Contains not a single
Blade of grass, not a
Leaf of vegetation.
There are also no
Statues and/or fountains
Sprouting jets of water.
Naturally people don't
Give this scene a second
Glance, and miss noticing
That the large slab tiles
Paving the ground beneath
Their feet are adorned with
Intricate line carvings detailing
Great adventures and legends
Which might be quite fascinating
If you're into that kind of thing.
Make your way into the castle
Proper, and you might explore
All the many empty rooms like
Cathedrals with their spacious
Parameters and tall ceilings.
And the echoes of your
Footsteps creating music
Resonating perpetually in
The vastness. If you listen
Closely, you can hear a
Different music in every
New room you come to
(Don't worry around getting
Lost, the exit is always just
A few steps away, for a
Speedy departure); all these
Rooms are empty except
One; and naturally the
Room that isn't empty
Draws the most curiosity.
This I sometimes find
Puzzling; are a thousand
Empty universes no less
Profound than a grain of
Matter? Nevertheless, we
Are servants to our curious
Desires, and if you are
Determined to seek out
The one room that does
Not resonate with your
Own footsteps, be your
Own guest; but like I
Said before, there exists
No map to this castle,
So you cannot find your
Way to it unless you
Explore diligently with
A bit of luck at your
Side. To this day,
I don't think anyone
Has found the way to
This one room yet.
Is my figurative soul, you
Might come across
A castle - one that satisfies
Every definition of the word
"Fortress". This massive
Structure of polished
Sedimentary rock with
The mile-wide moat
Around it might
Look so imposing on
The outside that you
Might not notice the
Drawbridge is down
And the gridiron gate
Is raised. Upon entering
through the arches of the
Main gate towers, you might
Notice a reception stand with
No receptionist and the words
"Visitors are welcome" printed
On a sheet of paper taped to
The counter. There is no
Brochure to divulge the
Map of this castle, and
Most people don't take
This as an invitation to
Explore at will. The
Vast courtyard - as vast
As Tiananmen Square -
Contains not a single
Blade of grass, not a
Leaf of vegetation.
There are also no
Statues and/or fountains
Sprouting jets of water.
Naturally people don't
Give this scene a second
Glance, and miss noticing
That the large slab tiles
Paving the ground beneath
Their feet are adorned with
Intricate line carvings detailing
Great adventures and legends
Which might be quite fascinating
If you're into that kind of thing.
Make your way into the castle
Proper, and you might explore
All the many empty rooms like
Cathedrals with their spacious
Parameters and tall ceilings.
And the echoes of your
Footsteps creating music
Resonating perpetually in
The vastness. If you listen
Closely, you can hear a
Different music in every
New room you come to
(Don't worry around getting
Lost, the exit is always just
A few steps away, for a
Speedy departure); all these
Rooms are empty except
One; and naturally the
Room that isn't empty
Draws the most curiosity.
This I sometimes find
Puzzling; are a thousand
Empty universes no less
Profound than a grain of
Matter? Nevertheless, we
Are servants to our curious
Desires, and if you are
Determined to seek out
The one room that does
Not resonate with your
Own footsteps, be your
Own guest; but like I
Said before, there exists
No map to this castle,
So you cannot find your
Way to it unless you
Explore diligently with
A bit of luck at your
Side. To this day,
I don't think anyone
Has found the way to
This one room yet.