This monologue will be quite
Different from all the ones
Preceding it; it is not about
One director; it is about five,
Namely John Lasseter, Pete
Doctor, Brad Bird, Andrew
Stanton and Lee Unkirch.
These names might not ring
A bell for you unless you've
Only become introduced to
Their work after you've
Reached the age where
You begin to look at movies
Based on who directed them.
You will however recognize
The name Pixar, the name of
The greatest movie studio in
The history of cinema (aside
From Studio Ghibli), animated
Or otherwise, whose perfect
Track record had only just
Recently been soiled by one
Mediocre movie. Epic in scope,
Meticulous in execution, awe-
Some in creativity, unparalleled
In originality (except against
Studio Ghibli) and almost never
Without heart, Pixar's assembly
Of great films are in need of no
Introduction: the Toy Story Trilogy,
A Bug's Life, Monsters Inc., Cars,
Finding Nemo, The Incredibles,
Ratatouille, WALL-E, Up, and
Hopefully more to come. I have
Not seen Brave or Monsters
University, but when it's Pixar,
I can safely expect a good film,
With good production values,
If not a great film (Cars 2 was
A good spy flick, it just wasn't
Exceptional). If anything, the
Work of Pixar has proven the
Animated movie to be right on
Par with its live action counter-
Part. The animated film is wholly
Capable of everything live action
Can deliver, and more. Those
Essence of great filmmaking:
Plot, characters, imagery, and
Music, are never forsaken by
Pixar. We need to realize that
Animated movies are not just
For children; the medium of
Animation does not appeal
Solely to people unburdened
With the responsibilities of
Life; the enjoyment of creativity
Is a privilege every human being
Shares, and rightfully deserves.
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