Saturday 14 April 2012

Dennis Raveley - chapter 5

'Look, what do you see?' Addy says through the talkie, coming to a halt at the railings of a patio overlooking the scenery of the back of the mansion. For as far as their eyes can travel, lush, dense pines cover the valley in a blanket, and in the distance, a thick line of suspended cable can be observed stretching across the horizon.
'It looks nicer when the sun's out.' Raymond says. On their way to the back, Raymond climbed through a window into a room that would most likely be a pantry and took a selection of breads before climbing back out. He is now munching on a croissant. Dennis has not started on his croissant yet; he is no longer hungry.
'I' Dennis says, not sure why Addy would ask him such a broad question.
'And this land you see is mine,' Addy replies, 'It also belongs to my brother Raymond (Raymond nods with claim to this statement while stuffing another croissant into his mouth), and the large extended family that I am a part of.' Addy finishes, scanning the landscape. 'This land, until those cable lines fifty acres away, is also yours.'
Dennis is taken by surprise.
'You see, your father is a very close friend of my family's. He has been employed by my family for several decades, and my family, as all good families should, honors the work of such a loyal man. Sharing is, simply put, caring. I understand that he's probably never told you about my family, and I don't wish to explain either, as it is an inconvenience, but my family does not withhold secrets to our next of kin, therefore if you do desire the such secrets, I won't withhold them from you.'
Dennis does not respond, he considers his position, which feels to be no position at all, and nods in agreement.
'Geez, have you gone mute like my sister? Raymond mused, 'You know, your lawyer impression scares me sometimes too.' He adds, directing a wink to Addy, who looks at him curtly.
'And you're the older sibling whose been to University.' She states in a matter-of-fact with heavy sarcasm, in sigh language.
'Yes, yes, so you're eight years junior but eight decades smarter, so you should go to university, that'll teach you to have a social life.' Raymond retorts.
'Did I ever tell you that I found fifty-seven errors in a university level mathematics textbook that was written by not one, but three, professors with PhD in calculus? I don't learn from education, education learns from me. And as for a social life, it is a rather harmful practice to braincells, so I am more than happy to refrain from taking such risks, not that it would resonate with you anyhow.'
'I thought Kenny found the textbook errors.'
'He found fifty, I checked and unearthed the additional seven.'
'Well, not that it would resonate with you, little sister, but the less of a supreme-prodigy you act like, the better chance you have hooking up with our man Dennis here. Who knows? You might even become a woman one day.'
Addy gives him the finger.
'Okay, okay, maybe I'm overextending my hypothesis, you probably won't make it that far, we'll see, but I'm starving, and I'm going back to the pantry, I'll see you, and you (points to Dennis and winks) after you get up to date on our family business, and Dennis, from the bottom of my heart, don't make moves on my dear sister yet just because you feel sorry for her, okay?' Raymond wanders off, laughing.
'If anyone can wander around all day, do nothing, and call himself king, that would have to be Ray.' Addy's voice says through the talkie, observing the valley. 'Your father helped my grandfather make quite a fortune in the trading business, and he's asked my family to take care of you for now, as he's currently on a long trip overseas with my father, I don't suppose you know his destinations.'
'Indeed I don't.' Dennis feels like speaking for the first time in his entire life.
'Me either, as you can clearly imagine from this emptiness of our mansion, my family won't be taking care of you any time soon, it's only going to be you, me, and Raymond. Looks to be that we shall be taking care of each other.'
'Sure, I suppose.' Dennis says with uncertainty, 'Is that it?'
'An explanation? Yes, that is all.'
'Was that so inconvenient?'
'You'll see.' Addy begins to steer her wheelchair away from the railings, towards the back main entrance of the mansion, 'And look, Ray has forgotten his bazooka here, let us remind him, and don't forget to drop it on his foot when you give it to him.'
Dennis is about to pick up the bazooka, when he remembers the croissant still clutched in his hand, just so happens, a gray pigeon lands on the railing and Dennis can guess what it is desiring, he tosses the croissant onto the pavement, and sure enough, the pigeon swoops down and begins to feast on its prize. Dennis picks up the bazooka, exhales under the weight, and walks after Addy.

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