Wednesday 18 July 2012

About Dennis...

I have been writing the story of Dennis Raveley on this blog for some time, and since when I started, the novel developed into something slightly different (and hopefully better) from what I had in mind originally, so I've decided to do a rewrite, starting from chapter one, on a new blog!
Here is the link to this new blog that will begin to produce a revised version of the story of Dennis Raveley very soon:

To all who read the first draft so far, I sincerely thank you all for simply reading it. As you might have realized, I've not posted something for a while after that unusual chapter 18. From now on, this blog will be dedicated to my infrequent poems, occasional ranting and the tossing around of ideas and topics. The novel posts will be moved to that blog, link above.
The revised novel will still feature the events from the version here (Raymond will still have a bazooka dropped on his foot), it will keep the title, the characters will be unchanged, the only difference may be that the pacing of the new version will slow down considerably.
I hope you will enjoy reading the story so far a second time, and find it even more enjoyable.


Oh yeah! I changed my template!


  1. cool! look forward to see it revised. place a follow widget on it so we can follow it!
