Thursday, 25 December 2014

A Charlie Brown Christmas

It's been 3 months since
The frames of my glasses
Snapped. First the left arm
And then the right. They are
Both broken now, and were
Held together by scotch tape;
Makeshift casts on wounds that
Will never heal. Today the casts
Would hold together no more,
And I must remove the old
Rotten bandages and apply
New ones. I peeled back the
Tape: it was a mess. The glue
On the scotch tape had coated
The frames in a sticky layer of
Glue mixed with sweat and skin
Oils. It got on my fingers, and
I couldn't even hold the frames
Together to tape the broken
Joints anew. Now I see what a
Great metaphor these broken
Eyeglass frames are for me: I
Have been broken for quite
Some time already, but I have
Carried on as if nothing had
Happened; I held myself
Together with tape and
Bandages that merely
Covered up the damage.
Now, the bandages are
Undone. As I write these
Words without my eyesight,
I realize finally, that I have
Fallen apart.

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